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This Week on Facebook: 6/21-6/26
I have had the privilege this year to work with some of the most amazing and supportive men around as they transition into their role as...
I'm DUE. What do I DO?
For 40 weeks, you've been telling your mom, yourself, your spouse, and every random stranger who asked when your due date is. Now the big...
This Week on Facebook: 6/14-6/20
Too bad most of this sleep isn't continuous! Is your baby getting enough rest? Car Seat Safety in a nutshell - a *very* brief guide!...
Baby To Go - in the car!
Choosing a car seat and using it correctly can be one of the most overwhelming and confusing parts of early parenthood. The sheer amount...
This Week on Facebook: 6/7-6/13
Pitocin is NOT Oxytocin, which is not to say it is never medically indicated - but, as with ANY intervention, it should be a decision...
Car Seat Safety for Big Kids
Most children are not ready for a seat belt alone until they are 10 to 12 years old! Booster vs. Harness “Harness” refers to the 5-point...
You're a doula? What's that?
A doula is a professional labor assistant who provides continual support throughout the birthing process. Evidence shows many benefits to...
Why take an independent Lamaze class?
"In the last three months leading up to their wedding, brides spend an average of 11 hours a week working on wedding details." ...
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